Newsletter 2025-1

Chans Martial Arts News

CMA 25-01 18th January 2025 


Fresh start

Despite 2024 being another challenging year, we managed to make the most of it. I would like to encourage everyone to lift their spirits and take opportunities to progress in 2025. This year is especially significant with the 50th Jubilee year for Chans Martial Arts and the 30th Anniversary of Sing Ong Tai Chi and is cause to be reminded of how far we have come in our training together.

As with all serious challenges, we must try not to stress out for too long so we can pick ourselves up and tackle the future with positivity. Unrelenting stress can lead to serious psychological and physiological problems, but it can be effectively decreased by meditation and exercise. The results are best achieved, when the activity is enjoyed in a sociable environment. 

Our Shao Chi Chuan training fits the bill very well as we train to stay calm, whilst mentally working towards the objectives of the drills and maintaining focus on our body. The stretching exercises improve our flexibility, and also help with relaxing both physically and mentally. Training the dynamic combinations, speed-distance-timing & reaction-power-focus drills provides both aerobic and anaerobic exercise for combat fitness and boosting mental health.

Tai Chi Chuan not only provides gentle exercise, balance and fine tuning of the nervous system. It specialises in mental calmness to deal with both physical and psychological pressure. Besides being an enjoyable health enhancing exercise, it can be trained to be a peerless martial art. 

Besides the regular events on the calendar this year, we are introducing a special Tai Chi weapons class and a special Kung Fu injury prevention and recovery workshop.

Tai Chi Jian Course

This year we are conducting a Tai Chi Jian course starting on the 21st of January. The course will be conducted at HQ on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm over 40 sessions. (Some Tuesdays will be reserved for Tai Chi Exercise Gradings) The first two sessions will be on the fundamentals of Tai Chi Jian. A section of the form will be completed in every six sessions, with all six sessions being completed within 38 sessions. The two final sessions will be for reviewing the whole form and the finer points about Tai Chi Jian

Training: HQ on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Eligibility: Those who have completed the 1st section of the 42 Form. 

A) Whole Course Fee: $240 

B) Pay per part: $60/part (6 parts in all)

C) Zoom Whole Course fee: $120

Jian: Bring your own jian if you have a suitable one. HQ has a few spare ones you can use. We can help you order one later on, if you wish to acquire a suitable sword.

Please enrol as soon as possible as places are limited. Please send e-mail or text and pay through CMA account 03-0866-0381094-00 stating name and options. 

Christchurch Sing Ong Tai Chi Camp

Grading 1: Friday 7th March  6:00am - 8:30pm and 

Grading 2: Saturday 8th March  9:00am -11:30am.

Students Camp: Saturday 8th March  2:00pm - 9:00pm. ($120)

Instructor Training: Sunday 9th March  9:00am - 11:30am ($150)

Level 1 Instructor Training: March Sunday 9th March  2:00pm -. ($180)


Please mention (Zoom) if you are attending the online training.

Please sign up through your instructor by the 1st of March.

Injury Prevention & Recovery Workshop

Even though our training system is highly safe compared to most other martial arts, there are times when accidents or technical errors can cause injuries. Some of you may also have injuries from other activities or a combination of longstanding physical problems and limitations which affect your training.

Ms Suyi Chan

Registered Physiotherapist New Zealand & Australia

Saturday of 15th March

2:00pm to 3:30pm


$25 before the 14th of March 

$45 on the day


Register your interest in this survey ( whether or not you are available to attend as she is collecting some basic injury data.

Women Self Defense Session

We are holding a self defense course for women on the 

Saturday the 22nd of March

2:00 to 4:00pm

Headquarters (14 Iversen Tce, Waltham)

Free for CMA & SOTC students and immediate family

$25 fee for members of the public

Please register for the course by the 14th or March

Reviewing Training Objectives 

It is important that we review our main training objectives besides maintaining good health. 

The first and foremost, is efficient self defence. We are not bound by techniques that are just traditional, or have unnecessary flourishes without worthwhile combat functions.

Secondly, our training must be sustainable without suffering unnecessary repeated stress injuries to our joints, as well as contact injuries, such as brain, bone and soft tissue injuries. Training should also not generate traumatic mental stress to students.

Thirdly, It should be practical for students of all sizes, gender and ages. Techniques should not only work for the young, big and strong students. Older students or those limited by injury are not required to do demanding acrobatics. However, this can be achieved by learning to understand how to modify their drills and techniques to still be effective within the confounds of their varying physical limitations. This in itself is an individual skill set which we can gradually work towards to improve our training.

Fourthly, our training is not just about fighting ability. We work hard on personal development, and cultivating a focused mind that is calm under pressure. We practice determination, patience, self confidence, tolerance and respect.

It is advantageous to develop the habit of training regularly. Regular and focused training will develop ‘the feel’ that is necessary for making gradual adjustments to improve. With regular training, flexibility, health & fitness targets can gradually be achieved.

Your ability to defend yourself when you are under attack depends on how well trained you are physically and mentally to respond to it. To have the appropriate techniques to protect yourself and disable your assailant, you must repeat and refine the moves thousands of times, till it becomes a reflex action.

May Qi be with you, 

Grandmaster Chan

Chans Martial Arts

Newsletter 2024-3

Chans Martial Arts News

CMA 24-03 9th Dec 2024 


Black Belt Grading

It was a very good day with ideal weather and good support from people coming from all over for the event. It was unfortunate that there were a few candidates who could not grade due to various circumstances. However, I am sure they will be good for grading in 2025.

The candidates graded were well-prepared and approached the challenge with a very good spirit. It was visible that there was an overall improvement in the important fundamental skills and strengths. It is a good indication that the change in focus that was put forward strongly in recent years is working. The Black Belts should progress very well along this path in the years to come.

We are grateful to everyone who helped to run the grading so well. It was a great team effort which should be quite inspirational for those aspiring to get to the higher levels.

As usual, we had an enjoyable dinner which was at the Southern Asian restaurant afterwards. The awards are held at HQ with the drinks and music organised by Mr Alan Logan.

We are happy to announce that the following were promoted:


1st degree:

Scott Goodsir - North Canterbury

Mackenzie Aitken - Cashmere

Bhavesh Govind - North Shore


2nd degree:

Mike Barthelmeh - HQ

James Scott - Parklands

Cora McCauley - Lower Hutt


3rd Degree:

Suyi Chan - Sydney

John Avei - West Melton


4th degree:

Tony Clarkson - HQ


Mr Barthelmeh from HQ was awarded an honorary 2nd degree Black Belt for consistent effort and services to Chans Martial Arts.

Mr Ian Collie from Invercargill was the recipient of the prestigious “Penelope Lake Trophy” for his training spirit and contributions to the Invercargill branch.

Finally, Mr Chris McKenzie was the very deserving winner of the “Alistair Kidd: Instructor of the Year” shield. 

Congratulations to all of the above.


Rank & File grades

We continue to see a general improvement in standard in the recent gradings. The instructors are definitely more clear about the requirements of the drills. We will continue to develop the techniques and refine how we teach them.


Annual Camp Wellington 

The next annual camp will be in Wellington. We should have a wonderful camp by the account of the ones we had in the last few years. Do book your flights as soon as possible, we will provide information regarding accommodation soon.



Next year will be a special year for us as it is our 50th Jubilee year. Master Kinney, Mr Wai Hoe Chan and Mr Mike Barthelmeh are putting together a book to commemorate this significant passage of time. We would also like to have other ideas to celebrate this. Please relay your thoughts in a message to your instructor or HQ.


End-of-year potluck

The last day of training at HQ is 19th December with the last Tai Chi class cancelled. Potluck & BBQ at 7 pm. Please bring a plate or something to cook on the BBQ. Family & friends, all branches invited.


Start dates

Classes at HQ start from Monday 6th January. Kids Kung Fu will start on the 21st of January but they are welcome to join in the Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 pm classes from the 7th -16th of January.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 

If we do not see you at the end of the year potluck, have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Do keep stretching and practising your patterns over the holidays so you can hit the ground running in 2025.


May Qi be with you,


Grandmaster Chan

Chans Martial Arts