KF Newsletter 2015-2

Dear members,

The seminars and tournament last weekend were successful events. Even though we expected a much smaller attendance as it was very close to Prof. Yek’s seminars a couple of weeks ago, we had surprisingly good numbers there. 

It was really good to see much improved skill and strategy at the tournament due to the footwork drills. Most pleasing of all was the universal honourable behaviour and sportsmanship. Everyone who participated are winners on the day regardless of the result.

The referees and judges did an excellent job making it very clear and easy for the fighters to stick to the rules. The other officials did a sterling job running the event.

Tournament results:

Girls U-9 < 32kg
Champ: Abbie Haselden (Lincoln)
2nd: Alexa Gerraty Ryan (HQ)
3rd: Ruby McNiven (HQ)

Girls < 49kg
Champ: Amelie Spinks (Papanui)
2nd: Emma Haselden (Lincoln)

Women < 64kg
Champ: Cora McCauley (L Hutt)
2nd: Michelle Wilson (Lincoln)
3rd: Elizabeth Steel (Burnham)

Children Patterns
Champ: Lauren Warne (Parklands)
2nd: Bridie Blundell (HQ)
3rd: Alexa Gerraty-Ryan (HQ) 

Children U-11 < 36kg
Champ: Rico Gamble (HQ)
2nd: Braedon Murdoch (Spreydon)
3rd: Kieran Reed (Lincoln)

Boys U-12 < 41kg
Champ: Lucas Kwan (Lincoln)
2nd: Declan O‘Connell (Lincoln)
3rd: Charles Nocido (L Hutt)

Boys U-12 < 37kg
Champ: James Luxon (HQ)
2nd: Ezra Howell (HQ)
3rd: Finn Tait (Spreydon)
Plate: Dylan Blundell (HQ)

Boys < 48kg
Champ: Niko Clayton-Jones (Parklands)
2nd: Jackson Wilson (Blenheim)

Boys < 65kg
Champ: Jhaden Charman (Lincoln)
2nd: Ethan Charman (Lincoln)
3rd: Jack Fensom (Parklands)

Boys Intermediate < 66kg
Champ: Jack Lane (Nelson)
2nd: MacKenzie Aitken (Spreydon)
3rd: Pedro Rees (Spreydon)

Boys Open Wt
Champ: Brad Turner (Hornby)
2nd: Nairn Wilson (Nelson)

Intermediate Patterns
Champ: Nairn Wilson (Nelson)
2nd: Jeremy Elrick (HQ)
3rd: Steve Ingram (HQ)

Men < 78kg
Champ: Caleb Allan (Lincoln)
2nd: Peter Speck (Blenheim)
3rd: Steve Ingram (HQ)

Men < 85kg
Champ: Blair Andrews (Blenheim)
2nd: Jeremy Elrick (HQ)
3rd: Jerib Robertson (HQ)

Men Open Wt
Champ: Doug Haselden (Lincoln)
2nd: Mark Sinclair (Hornby)

Black Belt < 73kg
Champ: Daniel Cox (Parklands)
2nd: Nick Weaver (Lincoln)

Black Belt Open Wt
Champ: George Pope (HQ)
2nd: Robert Wilson (Lincoln)
3rd: Colin Everson (Kelburn)


For Tai Chi Chuan we worked on the main points taught by Tai Shi in the recent Sing Ong Tai Chi seminar and the introduction to pushing hands. Circular parries was the main theme of the Kung Fu seminar. 

Both Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan instructor seminars were on teaching. They should help make classes more efficient and everyone enjoy training more.

In other news in order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Chans Martial Arts we have produced some special jackets with the help of Macpac. Orders must be made by the 20th of June through your branch instructor, specific details about the jackets are on the website.

With the tournament over we should go back to our usual syllabus in training. This is to continue to learn and improve our techniques and applications for self-defence. We must also train ourselves to have faith, patience, and respect, be hardworking, humble, loyal, honourable and altruistic. This way our Kung Fu will be meaningful and a positive contribution to society.

May Chi be with you,

SC Chan
Chans Martial Arts                        

p/s See you at camp.


          Coming Events

* HQ - Ladies Self Defence 
13th June Sat: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Free for members & family. $20 for public. Register through instructors.

* HQ - Prof. Wally Jay’s  
Memorial Hawaiian Party
20th June Sat: 6:00 pm
Bring a plate. No charge.

* Canterbury - TCC Ex. Grading    
23rd June Tue: 7:00pm*

 Canterbury - KF Adv. Grading
27th June Sat

* Canterbury - Kids Day Out 
4th July Sat 

* Sydney SOTC Seminar   
11th July Sat

* Sydney KF Seminars
12th July Sun  10am - 4pm

* Auckland Seminar 
26th July Sun

* Picton & All Regions
KF & TC Gradings/Seminars
1st & 2nd Aug   Sat & Sun 

* Canterbury - KF Grading
8th Aug Sat

* Annual Camp Queenstown 
28th-29th-30th Aug Fri, Sat & Sun