KF Newsletter 2018-1

Chans Martial Arts News

CMA 18- 01                                                                       9th Jan 2018


Happy New Year

We had a very good end to 2017 with a very successful Black Belt grading and a series of regional gradings. This is a good indication that most instructors and students are moving in the right direction. It will be great if we resolve to sustain our mental focus and achieve all our technical goals scheduled for the rest of this year. 


Black Belt Promotions

After a very gruelling grading on the 25th of November we are very pleased to announce the promotion of the following to:


1st degree:


Sarah Jamieson - HQ

Kirsty Petersen - Parklands

James Scott - Parklands

Adam Richards - University

Ken Hutcheon - Lincoln

Nigel Stanton - Spreydon

Julia Dryden - Dunedin


2nd degree:


Alicia Harrison - Winton

Helen Haigh - Sydney

Daniel Cox - Spreydon


We should appreciate that some of the candidates did exceptionally well to overcome incredible odds to reach the high standard we have established. Their attitude, conduct and spirit had been even more commendable. We had sixty five black belts ranging from Auckland to Invercargill and Australia attending the grading. It is a pity that not more rank and file students were there to learn from it. We must make sure more students appreciate the benefits of attending this event.


The Annual Dinner after the grading at the North & South Gourmet was sumptuous and enjoyed by those who were there. The Awards at HQ was equally successful with over a hundred and thirty attending.


Successful training

As I have always said: “To be successful in training: you must know how to train and be regular in your training.” To know how to train you must listen carefully to your instructor. The operative word is ‘carefully.’ If you are not careful, it is very easy to misunderstand the information and interpret it in your own way incorrectly. 


Therefore, we must begin with a serious attitude to training. As soon as you arrive at training try to calm down mentally and relax physically. Do not engage in boisterous exchanges or banter with anyone till training is over. A little quiet stretching is the best thing to do to relax a bit more.


When you train, try to keep good posture: i.e. keep your head up, with eyes level & steady so as not to be easily distracted. Visualise your opponent at all times and respond immediately to the instructors command to train your reaction and focus. 


Make sure that you can feel the stability and mobility of your stances. You should also feel the timing of your techniques harmonised with your breathing. Finally you must feel the load you are putting on each muscle as you generate your techniques. 


If you train like this and follow the instructors guide to alignment, loadings and flow of movement, you will make good progress with little risk of injury or failure. However, if you interpret it in your own way you will struggle to improve and probably injure yourself often. 


With good training you will get to enjoy a state of peace and calmness. You will also enjoy the flow and correct execution of techniques. You will also feel a satisfaction that you are improving your chances of defending yourself with every class.


I hope you will have a great year enjoying good training and a good health.


       May Chi be with you,   

            Grandmaster SC Chan





3rd Jan:

HQ Normal training resumes


10th Feb:

Auckland KF Seminar 

17th Feb: 

Canterbury KF Advanced Grading

20th Feb: 

Canterbury TC Ex Grading

24th Feb: 

Nelson KF Grading & Seminar

25th Feb:

Nelson TC Grading & Seminar


 24th & 125th  Mar:

Canterbury SOTC Camp


17th Apr: 

Canterbury TC Ex Grading

21st Apr:

Canterbury & Regional KF Grading

28th Apr:

Wellington KF Grading & Seminar

29th Apr:

Wellington TC Grading & Seminar