KF Newsletter 2018-2

Chans Martial Arts News


CMA 18-2                                                                                                           28th April 2018


We have had about a third of the year of training and things are progressing steadily. Wai Hoe Laoshi and I had the opportunity to pay respect to our ancestors in Malaysia at the traditional Ching Ming festival and also catch up with some relations and my old school friends. We then made short trip to the UK to catch up with Prof. Leon Jay in London and one of our senior members Mr Greg Williams in Cambridge. Naturally we discussed training and made some plans for the future.


New Training Centres

We have a new branch in Christchurch! John Avei Laoshi has begun teaching at Ara Institute of Canterbury (formally CPIT). The branch is very central so if you know students at Ara, or someone who lives or works near the CBD that would benefit from training let them know!

Fitness Studio W224
Whareora Block
Cnr of Babadoes and Moorhouse

Monday: Kung Fu: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Contact John Avei Laoshi: Ph. 021 1151 929 E. chanswestmelton@gmail.com


Kin Chan Laoshi also started a new Tai Chi Chuan class in Auckland. Let people in Auckland know who may be seeking the health benefits from morning Tai Chi classes!

Amway Business Centre|
6A Pacific Rise
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060

Saturday: 9:00am - 10:00am
Contact Kin Chan Laoshi: Ph. 027 546 2426 E. skinchan66@gmail.com


Timeline in Training

Even though many students ask the question regarding how long it takes to learn a specific martial art to a competent level, or get to black belt, they are often dismissed as having the wrong attitude or given a vague answer like: “It depends,” which is not very helpful. It will generally leave the student to make up their own idea of what is an appropriate timeline which is usually extrapolated from their first year of training. This is not ideal as it leads to frustration or disillusionment when the chief instructor has a different timeline for the student.

Our syllabus is designed to make training very simple for new students so that they only have a few things to learn which can be used in self-defence. These techniques can be learnt to be practical and effective in a few weeks of regular training. The next few ranks adds more techniques and refinement in relatively gentle progression. 

From the middle intermediate levels, the techniques are slightly more demanding; each level needing about twice the time and effort to learn and make functional. From the higher intermediate levels the time and effort between ranks are three or more times than that of the lower intermediate levels to achieve the desired level of control, speed and power. The demands for the higher levels are even more pronounced as at 1st grade and the degree levels. 

Many students often assume that reproducing a technique is adequate. Unless the technique is natural, quick, powerful and free of wobbles; it is not good enough to be effective.

Therefore, students should understand that the timeline to mastery of skills is not linear. It is also important remember that time and effort spent in training is to be enjoyed. Those who complain about the time and effort needed to train, or insist that they are good enough when their Laoshi says otherwise, certainly has the wrong attitude for learning Kung Fu. After all the purpose of training should be for self-defence, fitness, health, personal development and enjoyment of the art rather than for rank and certificates.


Supplementary training

Sustaining two classes a week is a great effort for the lower grades but it is really quite inadequate for the middle intermediate levels and higher. As in academics, very few students can do well if they do no homework. Therefore, regular supplementary training is very important.

First you have to understand that your daily self-training is not the same as a class training; so the student should not necessarily think of spending 90 minutes in training. In fact, they should start aiming to train daily for just 5 minutes; beginning with a minute of stretching, followed by one or two techniques that need refinement. It is easy to under-rate these very short training sessions; but the regularity and focus on one or two things can be extremely helpful. It is important to find a time and place where there is little distraction and is sustainable daily. You should ask your Laoshi regarding what to focus on in your daily 5 minute training if you need help.

For the 1st and 2nd grades, the supplementary training will need to be further extended a couple of times a week.


Annual Tournament & Seminars

Our annual seminars and tournament is just round the corner (2nd and 3rd of June). It is important that students and instructor will take the opportunity to enjoy training together to compare notes on what we are working on. This year we will concentrate on Chin Na techniques besides our basic strikes. As for the Black Belts we will work on the Labyrinth & Circle Forms / Drills and weapons. For Tai Chi we will work on using Yi in forms and pushing hands. Please enrol through your Laoshi as it is very inconvenient for HQ for everyone to apply individually.

Tournament, is an opportunity for some students to try out their techniques and ability to function under stress. The result of the bouts or form performance are not as important as how they conducted themselves and what valuable lessons they have learnt from it. However, it is not always appropriate for everyone to compete. Your Laoshi will invite you to take part if they think it is beneficial for you.

I hope you will attend classes regularly, follow instructions, be positive yet humble & open minded and make martial arts your way of life by practicing daily.


Annual Camp

Our annual camp in Dunedin is also getting closer and closer. The camp will be held at the Kaikorai Valley College Gym (500 Kaikorai Valley Rd, Bradford, Dunedin). The college is about 10 minutes’ drive from the centre of Dunedin (The Octagon). There is plenty of accommodation options catering for of all costs in and around Dunedin including camping grounds, backpackers, and a range of hotels.
Please book your accommodation now as well as flights as there are often other sporting events on in Dunedin during August. An online camp application form will be out soon with a super early bird special so keep an eye out and get in quick!

May Chi be with you,
Grandmaster SC Chan




5th & 6th May:

Southern Zone KF & TC Grading / Seminars

19th & 20th May: 

SOTC Auckland Seminar


2nd June:

Annual TC & KF Seminar at HQ

3rd June: 

Annual Tournament

16th June:

Ladies Self Defence at HQ

23rd June:

Canterbury & Regional KF Advanced Grading

26th June: 

Canterbury TC Ex Grading


7th July:

Kids Day Out at HQ

14th July:

Sydney SOTC Seminar

15th July:

Sydney KF Seminar

28th & 29th July: 

Nelson KF Grading & Seminar


7th August: 

Canterbury TC Ex Grading

11th August:

Canterbury & Regional KF Grading

24th, 25th & 26th August:

Dunedin Annual Camp


22nd & 23rd Sept:

Canterbury SOTC Grading / Seminar