Newsletter 2020-1

CMA 20-01 15th Mar 2020

A challenging start

We have had an unusually challenging start to the year with the COVID-19 virus epidemic in China affecting the world. We were lucky that our party left Wuhan, well before the outbreak. This event is turning out to have wide spread implications for the us. Besides, it has become pandemic in the last few weeks.

There are still relatively few cases in NZ and Australia. However, some countries have seen outbreaks that have overwhelmed their health services. Even though the large majority of people infected suffer quite mild symptoms, those who are seriously affected need intensive intervention. The sheer numbers make it impossible to treat many of them. Therefore, we have to take precautions to slow down the spread of the virus.

Nevertheless, as for training we have had a great start to the year with many enquiries and new enrollments. We already had very successful gradings and seminars for Canterbury, Nelson/Blenheim and Auckland. It is good to see the progress of the students.

Event cancellations

1.      SOTC Student Camp & Grading 28th/29th March in Auckland,

2.      SOTC Seminar & Grading 25th/26th April in Christchurch,

3.      Queen’s Birthday 30th/31st May Annual Seminars and Tournament.

4.      SOTC Seminar & Grading 4th July in Sydney.

As it is, the Invercargill KF & TCC Grading & Seminars 4th/5th April will still take place. We are hopeful that we will be able to hold all the other events on the calendar as scheduled. We have plans to limit the number of individuals grading at a time by scheduling groups to come into the hall. However, if the situation changes we will notify you as soon as possible.

Training precautions

As it is, classes will run as usual. Both Tai Chi Chuan and Shao Chi Chuan training are great for keeping you fit and healthy and will boost your immune system. 

1.      If you have a cough, cold or generally unwell, please stay away from classes till you are completely clear of symptoms.

2.      We should practice greeting each other with our traditional salutation instead of shaking hands or hugging.

3.      Wash your hands with soap and water immediately when you come through the door for training.

4.      We should refrain from practicing contact drills such as Pushing Hands, Chin Na, Takedowns & Ground Fighting if the area you are in has cases of infection.

5.      We will cancel classes if the situation requires it and you will be informed.

Other healthy practices

1.      Wear a mask or cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

2.      Do not touch your face when out of your home.

3.      Do not touch door handles, hand rails, counter tops with your bare hands in public places, or wear disposable rubber gloves and discard safely afterwards, or use hand sanitiser if you cannot wash your hands.

4.      Eat healthily with sufficient Vitamin C.

5.      Get some sun every day or supplement with Vitamin D.

6.      Prepare to have enough emergency rations for 3 weeks.

7.      If self-quarantined, do not get closer than 3 metres to anyone but continue to keep active if not unwell.

Positive thinking

It is important to stay positive and not be depressed by this challenge. As martial artists we should use this as a test of our resolve to stay calm and collected and make good decisions. We must not succumb to panic and keep things going as far as possible with the proper precautions. If we do everything that is proven to be effective, we will contribute greatly to the health and safety of the community.

May Chi be with you,   

Grandmaster SC Chan


4th April:

Invercargill* KF Grading & Seminars

5th April:

Invercargill* TC Grading & Seminars

18th April:

Canterbury KF Grading

21st April:

Canterbury TC Ex Grading 

2nd May:

Wellington* KF Grading & Seminars

3rd May:

Wellington* TC Grading & Seminars