2020 Annual Kung Fu Camp - Invercargill

Camp will be hosted in Invercargill by Mr Brent Davidson and the southland region’s army of capable students. The facility we will be training in has a large school gym and two additional designated training halls which will be made available for our use.

We are also happy to announce that due to changing circumstances of many during 2020 we have EXTENDED the Super Early Bird Special for camp until the END of July! The Early Bird fee has also been extended until the week of the camp.

Flights down to Invercargill are available for purchase on the Air New Zealand website and there is plenty of accommodation in the city.

This year we will also be running an assistant instructor course during the camp weekend. If you are interested in the assistant instructor course and you are Red Tip – Double Black Tip speak to your Chief Instructor to see whether doing the course is appropriate for you. The course will cost an additional $50 on top of the camp fee. Should you pass you will receive a certificate and an instructor’s badge.

For more information and to enroll click this link: https://forms.gle/rjrFghXX9k4GZuX68

Camp Attendee List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19wLEgKfA78A42N8cQsHn6nn2MUtiV03oY_07TivgNaA/edit?usp=sharing